How To Fuel Empowerment In Your Safety Meetings

Tip #1: Focus on expanding on the most relevant content.

Timing is everything, so it's crucial that you put your energy towards creating material that your employees will grasp the most. Questions to ask yourself include: Where does the most difficulty lie? Where are the most challenges? Whether it was a near miss, incident, or lack of proper communication, it helps to get specific. It helps to brainstorm on creating content that isn’t too generalized, but more relative to each worker instead. People need true clarity more than they need just general information.

Tip #2: Decide on engaging strategies you can use to help your meeting “flow” well with meaning.

People tune in more when there is a lot of meaning and relation, because everyone wants more understanding. Get your employees involved throughout the meeting. Get them thinking about things in their life that are important to them, and why they should have all the motivation in the world to keep themselves safe on the work site. Hands-on practice, photos, and short video clips help a lot with engagement. Above all else, storytelling is the best. People love hearing true, real-life stories in work site scenarios. This gets them thinking about how real and quickly unsafe situations can happen, and the aftermath of it all. Storytelling hits close to home for many. People start taking their life and what's important to them more seriously. This also helps workers feel like they are understood in what they do and their perspectives.

Tip #3: Have the right setting in place.

Make sure you have comfortable seating, table, lighting, and room temperature for your group. These may seem like small things, but the setting helps people feel more engaged and involved. Try to get everyone involved in the ways that make the most sense for your topic. This might involve splitting them up into smaller groups for an activity, having them practice hands-on training, or even share a story.

Thanks again for reading, and contact our team anytime if we can help you with your safety topic meetings! 970-534-2530 or email us at


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